Welcome to the Benefit Edit Tool


When it comes to designing and setting up the specific parameters of your pharmacy benefit plan, no one offers a faster, more convenient and error-free process than Prime Therapeutics. Designed with our clients’ needs in mind, the benefit edit tool features quality checkpoints in an automated and standardized environment.

To request access:

Prime Employee:
Process and documentation is available at the link at http://support

Prime Client:
Please work via your designated security officer to request access via the established form and process.

Prime Member:
If you are a member looking for prescription drug information, or want to submit an online refill request to PrimeMail, please visit our members only web site www.MyRxHealth.com.

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For problems logging in or other technical difficulties:

Please contact Prime IT Service Desk 24x7 Support Hotline - Internal (612) 777-2000 - External 1 (877) 893-8488